On the night of the 28th day of the first month in the year 1990, a bouncing healthy baby girl was brought into this wor
ld by Mrs. Marian Valentine P. Lamila. This little angel was delivered via a Caesarian Section. She was about live a blissful life being the first born in her family. Outside the delivery room, a much tensed husband was making his way back in forth, not knowing that he is finally a father, this man wa
s Teodolfo Lamila Jr. The couple had a hard time giving a name to their cherub, when an idea got into their mind; since their daughter was delivered via a Caesarian section and their hospital bill was so expensive, and expensive was synonymous to “something precious”, they finally decided to give PRECIOUS as their baby’s name and MARIAN as her second name which was taken from her mother’s name. The couple was so happy when they finally ended up with nice name for their baby; that little cherub was me, Precious Marian P. Lamila.
I can barely remember my first few years of existence, but with the help of the photographs which have been kept by mother, I can say that my infant years were ecstatic. My parents

One day, my aunt persuaded me to come with her to a school where she works as a clerk, just to entertain herself I guess, when the guidance counselor, out of boredom, jokingly tried to give an entrance examination for kinder students, and luckily I passed. Since that was during the enrollment period, she advised my aunt to tell my parents to enroll me since I seemed ready for a formal education. We went home and by the next day, viola! I was already officially enrolled as a kinder 1 student at Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion, Hijas de Jesus at my hometown at Pototan, Iloilo.
My elementary years went well, I gained a lot of friends and I came to know my closest friend that even until now, she’s the person whom I share that special bond that remains to be unbroken. Sometimes I was on top of the class and
there are also times in which I was on the average or the above average level. I also had a lot of crushes back then, but I was loyal to my “ultimate” crush that started when I was in grade 2 and lasted until my second year in high school. I graduated my elementary education with flying colors.
High school life has been very colorful for me. I was able to establish my sturdy group of friends. We were of different personalities, and I was the girly one. My friends (and I) were a bunch of achievers, but still each of us, in one way or another, shone on our own distinctive ways and forte. That was also the time in which the fear of being away from each other set in since, sooner or later, we’ll already leave the portals of our institution and start anew for our college life. We (eleven of us) all graduated with flying colors from the same institution that I’ve mentioned on the former part.
The judgment day came, I was already a high school graduate and whether I like it or not, I need to make up my mind if what course I’ll be going to take in college. I was clueless then. My friends were planning to take up nursing, and I guess I was going well with the flow, with no course in mind, I decided to take up nursing. My friends and I got separated from each other but most of us decided to enroll at the University of San Agustin, to which I’m currently a senior student of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During my freshmen year, I was so anxious about meeting new people; I felt that I was going back to scratch. Fortunately, I got into a class which was so fun, and adjustment has been a temporary predicament. I gained lots of new friends and got in mind a realization that indeed, life offers a lot more of surprises that will eventually unravel its grandeur in front of us at any time.
Indeed, this time has been so memorable to me; I have met the one who sees me at my worst but still choose to stand by me amidst everything. This person has been with me all the way for almost three years now and I am so thankful and happyto have him.
My sophomore life was very colorful as well; I got to meet and know many people with very different personalities, and some of which has been very dear to me, and I guess, will be forever be part of who I am now. I really had so much fun back then. Whenever memories linger in my mind, I just can’t help but smile and wonder when are those moments ever gonna happen again.
My junior year started with a twist, some of my classmates and dear friends got separated from us, and adjustment period set in again. I was rea
lly sad that time that I thought I will not be as happy as before, but I was wrong. I even gained more new friends. Yes, they may not be the same persons whom have been so close to my heart, but they are the new ones who’ll paint more colors in my life. During that time, I was able to decipher well who my true friends were and who the pseudo-types are.
Now, I am on my senior year-my last and final year. I want to finish my educational escapade with a lot of good memories and learning inculcated in mind and instilled in heart. This year was a very painful year for me and my family though. Last July 2010, my mother was diagnosed of stage 2a breast cancer. I felt so hopeless and sad, but whenever I see my father and brother hold on to their feelings just to back my mother up, I said to myself that I should be strong and never forget to lean on God. Right now, my mother is recovering well; she didn’t need to undergo Chemotherapy since her laboratory results revealed positive response regarding hormonal therapy. I really thanked God that my mother is now safe and recovered well from Modified Radical Mastectomy Operation that she had, but still our battle is not yet over, and I believe that we could make this through. This final year of mine on my college education yet unties, and right now, I am so happy that aside from my family, I have my friends who always put a smile as well as a twist on my life.
The story of my life is yet to be uncovered. I still got lots of things to accomplish and dreams to anthropomorphize. More characters of my story will be known and new plots will be laid, but at the end of the day, I still have the ball in my hands, and it’s up to me whether I’ll play it according to my will and control it or let it passively curb me.
I am very thankful for everything that happened in my life for I’ll never be who I am now if not because of those spices in life. I’ll continue to dream big and strive to soar high in order to live well this PRECIOUS life of mine.

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